The art program is such an important component of the services we offer at Hillsides. The program is focused on one thing: to give our residents an opportunity to express themselves. Often what they express is their hurt, anxiety and desire. Words fail at times, but an image captures the emotion that otherwise would be trapped by the limitations of speech. In viewing the artwork that evening you could not help but be touched by what our residents bear at a very tender age. And you can’t also help but be grateful for people like Kim Ha and so many others who support them to express and, therefore, release what can not be spoken.
Many things are associated with Hillsides. One of them is that our residential treatment center is a place where children are restored to hope, made confident and strengthened as they return to their families and communities. The presentation on the art program helped guests at the Farm to Table event appreciate how our mission is achieved and the kind of impact we have on the lives of the children and families we serve.
Quite frankly, we can not do enough regarding sharing with the community the great work we do and the compelling nature of the needs of those we serve. To tell the story is to put a face on the challenges our kids and families confront. At a time of fiscal constraint in the public funding sector, we must not forget how the cuts being contemplated will jeopardize the very same kids that so desperately poured out their hearts onto the canvases that were displayed that night!
H100 allows Hillsides to share our mission with a whole group of people who are at a critical point in their lives, starting their families and becoming established in their careers. As they embrace our mission and share it with their families, neighbors, colleagues and friends, they become a voice for our children. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals supporting us.
Consider learning more about H100 and join this wonderful group. As Hillsides approaches its centennial in 2013, our goal is have 100 couples committed to H100 and its activity in support of our mission. For more information, contact Nicola Wilkins-Miller at 323-254-2274 ext. 454.