According to our documents of incorporation, Hillsides was established on September 8, 1913 making it 98 years old! In just a couple of years we will mark our centennial and there is a committee of our Board of Directors already anticipating the event.
We sometimes find the enterprise of providing services to such vulnerable children and their families very overwhelming, but at least, we have a well established donor community, an organization that is competent with a great reputation, and a publicly funded social service system in place. So I can just imagine how daunting it must have been for Deaconess Wile, our founder, to have begun this work from scratch.
As we prepare for the centennial, we are combing through a lot of memorabilia and, in particular, I am interested in everything and anything that can offer an insight into the life of this remarkable woman. We know she was a woman of remarkable faith and that she saw her dedication to orphaned children as an expression of her beliefs and values. As such even today, although there is no sectarian agenda, the values she espoused continue to serve as the bedrock of the organization. She believed in the singular value of each child no matter what their history or circumstances. She was driven by the dream of providing a home for these underprivileged children and amazingly generated the resources that initiated what is today Hillsides.
Much has changed since 1913, but some things have not--our commitment to all the children and families we serve, helping them to understand their inherent value and their potential for a full and healthy life. Ninety- eight years later the tradition continues of being a resource for the children and families of our day who need assistance in a time of crisis.
Thank you, Deaconess Wile, for your vision, stamina and unwavering commitment. As friends and donors of Hillsides, know that your support continues to honor the dedication of this remarkable woman. She is the best example we have of someone, who in spite of the challenges, persevered and was successful. This hope is precisely what we pass on to all we serve.
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