May is Anti-Bullying Month;
and it has been embraced enthusiastically by the residents of the Canyon
Cottage. For many of the children and youth that we serve, not only in the
residential program, but also our community-based services, the trauma they
have experienced has come not at the hands of adults, but from their peers.
They have suffered from taunts and mean-spirited labeling for no other reason
than their failure to comply with the expectations of others, which has left
them distrustful and weary. The cycle of bullying leaves victims angry and
insidiously internalizing how they have been defined.
Bullying is a national
epidemic that, more often than we care to admit, leaves its victims emotionally
vulnerable and suicidal. In an effort to counter the effects of bullying and give
those affected by it a reason to hope that life will improve, organizations
like Stand for the Silent have developed initiatives to assist those who have been bullied, to educate the
community to become sensitive to its impact and to promote anti-bullying
Canyon Cottage residents have
had a number of events this month to draw attention to this issue. Earlier in
the month they encouraged everyone to wear very colorful clothing on one
particular day as a way of indicating support of eliminating bullying in our
communities. This week they will be sponsoring a bake sale to support the
efforts of Stand for the Silent’s initiatives.
It always impresses me that we
are doing something right when children and youth, traumatized by neglect and
violence, are able to reject the mantle of victim and take on the role of
advocate for themselves and others. This is exactly the kind of effective
grassroots advocacy that has a lasting impact and hopefully brings about
lasting change for all those involved.
I want to thank the staff who
have been so dedicated to these residents and have helped them see beyond their
fears and enable them to stand together, no longer silent, but rather strong,
vocal and determined to make a difference. Thanks also to Canyon Cottage
residents who have led the way with peers and staff alike to help us eliminate
the effects of bullying among us.
Support us as we walk along
with these young people on a journey that leads them to a restored self-esteem
and a conviction that what they do makes a difference…together we are on a path
that creates lasting change.