I had been in meetings all day at the CWLA conference in
Washington, D.C. when I got word from a colleague from Massachusetts that there
had been a bombing at the Boston Marathon. I immediately became concerned
because I knew my niece and her husband, who had run the marathon, were there.
I called my niece and was reassured that they were safe though disturbed by the
incident and grateful that they had managed to escape the melee. Such random
violence is an increasingly common occurrence in our society. The victims of
such heinous acts are innocent bystanders going about their lives, hoping the
odds are in their favor that they will not be stricken.
This morning on the final day of the annual CWLA conference I
sat in on a listening session addressing the threats to children in such a
violent culture and how we, as caregivers, can help to address their needs. The
sad fact is that 60% of all children in the United States are exposed to
violence. Violence seems to have become pervasive. In the light of the Newtown
tragedy and the Boston Marathon bombing, many are suggesting that the solution
to such unspeakable acts is greater vigilance and capacity to defend ourselves.
The instinct to protect and defend is not the solution, but
rather an understandable initial reaction to a threat. The solution is more
complicated and requires a great deal of thought and effort for us to reverse
what is a pervasive violent culture.
The impact of such violence is made painfully clear because of
notorious acts. However, every day in this country 29 children or youth under the
age of 18 die un-necessarily. They die because they are victims of violence,
abuse or neglect, some taking their own lives because they consider death
preferable to the tragic lives they endure.
Solutions should go beyond arming ourselves, fortifying our
homes, and resorting to suspicion. Our ultimate response is to resist a bunker
mentality in favor of a resolve to make a difference. While many instinctively
ran from the chaos at the Boston Marathon blast, some were drawn into the mayhem
and courageously responded to the injured risking their own well-being to tend
to those who had been affected by the bombing. Their instinctive response to
care is a great example of how violence is ultimately thwarted. We should
honor, value, and share stories of courageous people in the midst of tragedy
rather than overwhelmingly highlight the tragedies and perpetrators.
Our prayers are with the individuals and families affected by
this recent violence.
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