Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hillsides was recently selected by a local artist, Greg Marquez, as the recipient of a dramatic sculpture entitled "Nurturing." The piece is a bronze relief of driftwood that has been carved in such a way as to feature the intimate intertwines of the sinews of a single piece of wood. The artist exposes the natural movement of the wood to form a strong and durable union that reflects the nurturing nature of intertwines.

Given the services we offer, Marquez chose Hillsides for this permanent installation as a way of providing an artistic metaphor about who we are as an organization. Based on a freestanding pedestal, it allows the viewer to see it from various angles, each depicting the interdependence of the driftwood elements to form one strong piece. It stands just outside of the entrance to the administration building on campus as a welcome to visitors and as a statement of our mission to heal and nurture all we serve.

All of us are dependent on relationships that sustain and nurture. We experience these relationships within our families and communities and they are essential to our well-being. For the children, youth, and families in need who we serve, the support and care they receive from Hillsides is critical and makes all the difference to their success. Our reliance on one another reinforces the interdependent nature of the human experience. We need one another!

This statement of interdependence contrasts to the current debate generated by the failure of the initiation of the Affordable Care Act. All that is being said seems to be void of any reference to why this situation is truly alarming. For those who looked to this initiative to assure affordable healthcare, it represents a long awaited access to services that are essential for long-term well-being. We may argue the specific strategies employed to access affordable healthcare, but for the most vulnerable like the children and families we serve the political posturing and bureaucratic incompetence is of no comfort. The reliance on some reasonable system of healthcare is a reminder of how interdependent we are and how essential it us for us to strengthen nurturing bonds that ultimately sustain us in spite of organizational ineptness.

Tomorrow is Halloween, Thanksgiving is less than a month away and soon the great winter holidays will be upon us. This is a season of giving in which the nurturing ties that sustain are celebrated. For us at Hillsides, this is a time when we are reminded of how dependent we are on our donor community to help us reach out to all those we serve, both in our Residential Treatment Services program and through our various community-based services. Through your support and generosity we are able to tangibly demonstrate that we can count on one another to nurture and care for all those we serve.

We are grateful to the artist Greg Marquez whose "Nurturing" reminds us of how essential we are to one another. Learn more about the artists interpretation of the sculpture.

We are also grateful to all who faithfully support us and ask that as you put away your Halloween paraphernalia and prepare for the holiday season that you consider supporting our efforts at this time of year to nurture and care for all those we serve. For more information on how you can help go to

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