Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Never Keep for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today

Much is being discussed these days regarding funding for education and services for vulnerable children and their families. In spite of the uncertainties, we can be sure of some things: 1) The needs of these children and families will not go away, but indeed may deepen in such a constrained economic environment; 2) Funding is limited and perhaps diminishing; and 3) The need to be effective and efficient is urgent.

So in spite of our temptation to look to others and their initiatives to bring relief and provide solutions, the challenge is ours to be resourceful in responding to the needs of those we serve. Their needs can not wait for an impoverished system to respond. 

For this reason, we need your continued support–even more reason for us to never take for granted your goodwill and generosity. Because without your support, we are reduced to a holding pattern while the bureaucrats struggle to reach consensus.

What we can do is be efficient. In recently reviewing our fiscal year 2010 audit, we were happy our administrative costs are well below 10% in a field where the norm may be as high as 15%. Our emphasis has been, and will continue to be, on using as much of every dollar to provide care.

The critical questions are: How can we be most effective? How can we support these families to assure access to the resources necessary for them to thrive? This focus does not keep us from raising a voice on their behalf or keep us from encouraging strategies to provide adequate funding, but along with these advocacy efforts there is the significant need to make a difference now with what we have at our disposal.

Thank you for helping us do this. Recently, we celebrated our annual gala and raised approximately $370,000 to support our various initiatives. As we put away the gala paraphernalia, we are preparing the launch of our annual fund and in May we will be celebrating Foster Care Awareness Month with our signature event Hillsides Foster Soles.

Once again, thank you for all you do and know that in the midst of all the debates, wrangling and posturing that we never lose focus on delivering to those we serve what they need most–loving care.

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