Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Annual Fund Campaign: Can You Imagine?

“Can You Imagine?”  is the theme for the inaugural annual fund that we launched this past week and will continue for the next couple of months. Can you imagine a better life for the children, youth and families we serve? Can imagine how your support will help them stay safe, overcome trauma, improve in school, find a job and gain confidence and hope?

We can not imagine accomplishing all we do if it were not for the support that we receive from you! It is because of your generous support that we achieve what others have failed to do. I am fond of saying that there is not enough that we can do to support those we serve. Their needs are so great, their hurts so grave, their despair so profound. It takes all our talent, commitment and resources to stabilize them and begin to see improvement. The public funding we receive, in some instances, is woefully inadequate and, even when sufficient, still only provides for a minimal level of care--certainly not sufficient to fully address the needs of the children we serve.

Each year we need to raise in excess of $2 million to appropriately care for those we serve.   As grateful as we are for the public funds we receive, it is still not enough to do what is needed. Without your support and sacrifice we would not be able to sustain the level of care that our children and families truly require.

This campaign is a direct and simple way for you to help us fulfill the historic mission of Hillsides to provide a safe and nurturing environment for those we serve, whether at our campus in Pasadena or the schools we serve in Los Angeles or the outreach we offer in neighborhoods throughout the San Gabriel valley.

Please consider contributing to this campaign and sharing this appeal with family, friends and neighbors who along with you want to make a difference in the lives of the children and youth we serve.

Know that what you do makes a big difference. To learn more about the campaign, its impact and ways you can help.

As always thank you for your generous support.

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